Recreation & Self-Care In The Fight Against Climate Change

Recreation & Self-Care In The Fight Against Climate Change
(Illustration by @gloriapittmann via Giphy)

I originally shared these two quotes in my Intro to Recreation, Parks, and Tourism (RPT) class this semester, but I wanted to share them here because these messages are so important and relevant! They revolve around the dire need for self-care as we face climate change and try to mitigate and adapt to our rapidly changing world. I think this advice can be applicable to any variety of activism and work.

Susanne C. Moser

These are quotes from the essay titled “The Adaptive Mind” by Susanne C. Moser, PhD., a social science researcher and consultant revolving around the climate change adaption field; her work “focuses on equitable adaptation and transformation in the face of climate change and interlocking stresses; on climate change communication in support of social change; decision support and the interaction between scientists, policy-makers and the public” (read more about Moser on her website here).


This essay was written for the fantastic book All We Can Save by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson. The anthology is an all-womxn work collection of essays, stories, and poetry about the climate crisis, published just this year—it really could not have been published at a more relevant time. I’ve only just begun reading through this absolute precious gemstone of a book, and it’s going slowly due to how hard-hitting each and every single publication is.

Anyhow, here is the first quote that really resonated with me

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